TAYELET - Supergraphic design of the Tel Aviv promenade,
Supergraphic design of the Tel Aviv promenade, 1971.
The idea of using color-graphics on a large scale came to me – in a flash – in the early 60’s, while visiting a new settlement consisting of over a hundred identical small houses inhabited by immigrants from North Africa. I found the bleak monotony of this site in the Negev desert depressing. The inhabitants, accustomed to the colorful markets of Algiers and Marrakesh, must have felt the same. I suddenly imagined those houses painted in different colors – with basic geometric shapes – creating a vibrant colorful environment. I made a note of the concept in my diary, but did not act upon it until the right opportunity presented itself.
On my first visit to New York in 1967, I have seen some painted facades on buildings. The term ‘Supergraphics’ entered the general lexicon and reinforced the validity of my earlier idea of the ‘painted village’ in the Negev.
(Photographer: Ephraim Kadron born in 1928)